Quartus II: Basic Tutorial


this is going to be a starter guide on how to use Quartus II. 

1. First, go to File > New Project Wizard

2. Choose a directory and a name for the project, then click Next.

3. Click Next

4. Choose 'Cyclone II' as family, then choose EP2C35F672C6 as device. We can also choose 'Auto device selected by the filer'.

5. Click Next

6. Click Finish and we have created our project file.

7. We need a text editor to start editing our code. Click File > New, choose Verilog HDL File and click OK.

8. We need to first save our file. Go to File > Save As. Use the name of our project as the file name. Click Save.

For our purpose, we are going to use the above example. It is a simple two-way light switch. The truth table for every input is as shown.

9. Input the code above into the text editor. Don't worry about the code, we are going to go over it later on.

10. Now we are going to compile our code. Go to Processing > Start Compilation or click the button shown above.

11. A successful compilation will look like the picture above.

12. Now, we will want to simulate our design by using a waveform editor. Click File > New, choose 'Vector Waveform File' then click OK.

13. Save the waveform file first, again the same name as our project.

14. Go to Edit > End Time, set the time to 200ns, then click OK.

15. Select View > Fit In Window to fit the entire time range into our screen.

16. Now, we want to include out inputs and output. Click Edit > Insert > Insert Node or Bus. Then click Node Finder.

17. Change the filter to Pins: unassigned, click List, the inputs and outputs will appear on the left hand column. Click the arrow sign to add them to the right hand column. Click OK.

The waveform of the inputs and output will appear, but we still have to edit the inputs before we start our simulation.

18. Click the 'Waveform Editing Tool' icon. Click and drag to select a section of the waveform. Then choose the logic '1' or '0'.

All is set and we are going to simulate our design.

19. But before that, we need to set the simulation mode. Go to Assignment > Settings, click 'Simulator setting', then change simulation mode to 'Functional'. Click OK.

20. After that, click Processing > Generate Functional Simulation Netlist.

21. Go to Processing > Start Simulation, or click on the icon shown above.

22. Lastly, click View > Fit in Window again to view the entire range of our waveform. There we go. The waveform will corresponds to the truth table earlier.

Peace out.

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